Race day with husband

I think I had few posts titled race day. Oh gosh I have done lots of these in sunny Welsh capital. Some were very good and others were a bit poo but as a rule I would come home happy, excited and with new bling for my medal hanger! It’s from Etsy of course!

Cardiff 10k was the 1st “grown up” race I did. Before Cardiff 10k 2011 I was just running easy and relaxed race for life where all women claded in pink would walk, run, jog... well actually this is no more as my hubby did the inaugural race for life for everyone! 

The excellent thing about Cardiff 10k is that it is super flat, usually very well organised... however were was one year when there was no water station. And it gets better and better! 

Last time I did it in 2015 with husband who spend a lot of time on treadmill but not actually outside... and well he was slow and hated every minute of it. 

When I took him for a run once I quickly realised that these long legs of his can be very fast and his stubbornness will lead to very very fast time as long as he wanted that... back in 2015 he didn’t want it. So when I started to make my way through the crowd of slower runners he just waved at me and told me to go and have a good run. And I did. I didn’t do it in under and hour but I was damn close. He was very angry crossing the line at 1.12 minutes ... 

But everything changed this year. He lost bunch of weight and well became an avid runner and his is fast and strong. While I m just as lazy as usual. And I didn’t get train much.... but then we had a smooch in the pen and went over the start line... and he just rub off. 
Just like that.... 
he finished at amazing 52 minutes I was a bit later of the finish line in 1.01

So few things happened on that run... I got slightly frustrated with him just running off, but at the same time I realised that I am slower. So not sure why I was peed off with him. And then I realised I was so fast, like really fast for over one km my pace was 5.20, my usual pace is around 7... I realised I was too fast when I looked back and saw 55min race pacer way Bening me, and that I wanted to drop everything and run home. There was that opportunity, course was running not far from home. 
And then I just relaxed into the race. It was hard don’t get me wrong but this year the organisers did amazing job. Lots of volounteers, lots of supoorters! Saw the lady with amazing sign saying “you look hot when you sweat!” One if mum friends from school came out with entire family and made lots of noise for me! 
And then I was on the finish like saw the hubby doing a dance-cheer thing we saw at NXT take over Cardiff a night before so naturally I did this back to him and went over the finish line.... 

I knew I wasn’t going to get a personal best, I didn’t really run all summer but as I always say the important part is to have fun and have a good race. I think I managed that. We even went for a recovery run on Tuesday. Now that seemed like a good idea but I was so tired for the rest of the day! 
So even if our run dynamics changed I still enjoy running! And that’s the important thing! 


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