The sun is awake

I love summer. Sunshine, long days, warmth.... 
But when your child gets the attitude of r the sun is awake so I am awake. It is a killer. Why child why?
Couple of days ago he got up really early and didn't want to go back to sleep. So I bundled him up and we went to sleep in the spare room. We slept till 7.30 and it was the whole hour longer to usual wake up time. 
But he was snoozing next to me. This isn't something we want to do again. Yesterday he got up and grouched. And grouched. So I did the same. I am weak! And my little munchkin has a cold and therefore a bit poorly. 

Yes I know I am trying to justify breaking the routine.... Bad parent good mama!
I think we need to get different curtains and duvet for him. Hey won't hurt right? 
Today we are up since 5.30am... I am back in being a Mombie! 


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