Pain vs PB

I am super lazy. Well after chasing after the little man and trying to keep him busy all I want to do is to chill... but this means I let my self relax and somethings change.

Few days ago I went for a run... I have a 10K coming up and I realise that my fitness isn't great at the moment but I still want to do it as good as I did it last year.
Oh women's running magazine you make a very good race! I spent all last year race day chasing my aim time pacer and for a good reason I did women's running series in 1hr and 47 milliseconds. It was pretty good for sleep deprived mother...
I wonder how I will do with.. the wierd leg pain.

There are few theories... 
I piled on some heavy fat. Of course my mother said that. No one says things like that unless they have birthed you. 
Or I need to work on my general fitness... 
But then there is one more by my loving husband... Well he said that I am old. 

Well today is the day. I am excited and look forward to it. But the offspring got up before 5am... 
Wish me luck today I actually need it!! 


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