Daily exercise

Do you remember when it was the beginning of quarantine we were only allowed to leave the house for a daily exercise... 

We also discovered that wee man needs to go out of the house for a bit to be sane and less bored and therefore in the better mood. So daily walks are now a must and part of routine and life now.

We explore. We touch things, like acorns, mosses and pine cones....

We also dance and jump.... 
And now we have several regular walks around town. We discovered the he really loves running around the hills of Grangemore, we finally found the Wetlands, and the Ely trail is much nicer walk to supermarket. 

Today we went for  walk in the rain 

Now husband is back to work it’s just me and wee man... walk walk walk and walk. Safe to say I am looking forward to start of school and a bit of change of my routine. I am a bit tired of all the walking. I would love to see if I can still (currently pregnant) go to the gym. And I just miss a bit of alone time... 
And my strava app is daily app that tracks walks now.

I guess what I am trying to say is that daily exercise is great but I can do with some rest! 


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