Like stars alined

Wee man pointed on his shoe. His shoelace came undone, so there I was one knee down on pavement fixing his shoelace drama. He is very particular about some things, I guess it’s quirks of his condition. 
I digress. So there I was and I looked a little to the side and saw this guy 

Just on the floor, looking sad and wet. It’s a succulent I m not sure what it is called but I know what it would look like after some time. It will be amazing. 

So a while back I met this lady, she is an independent business owner and she is looking to grow it. So we got talking and I started working for her part time for now. 
And then some drama happened so I had to leave my catering job. That job that I m good at but I never wanted and was only mean to stay for a year. Now it was almost two years...

After I gave my notice and and now at my other job I felt like .... I can have pink hair now, and/or an visible arm tattoo, I can do all these things I am afraid of and deems as inappropriate in a 4-5 star environment.... (Swiss hotel management schools are very traditional you see). 

And then it was half term. Today is a last day actually. We all had a tummy bug. It has been a long week. Week of rest for me turned into something else. But it is done now and I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I supposed these people who have dream jobs and know what they want are so very lucky!

So I am going to fix up and update my cv and see what  happens. Because everything happens when it needs to happen and for some sometimes known reason. Right? 

The little foundling been planted. He had roots when I found him. 

So I just have to wait but continue do what I do. 


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