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Wee man pointed on his shoe. His shoelace came undone, so there I was one knee down on pavement fixing his shoelace drama. He is very particular about some things, I guess it’s quirks of his condition. I digress. So there I was and I looked a little to the side and saw this guy Just on the floor, looking sad and wet. It’s a succulent I m not sure what it is called but I know what it would look like after some time. It will be amazing. So a while back I met this lady, she is an independent business owner and she is looking to grow it. So we got talking and I started working for her part time for now. And then some drama happened so I had to leave my catering job. That job that I m good at but I never wanted and was only mean to stay for a year. Now it was almost two years... After I gave my notice and and now at my other job I felt like .... I can have pink hair now, and/or an visible arm tattoo, I can do all these things I am afraid of and deems as inappropriate ...