Nothing new challenge

I saw the petition I don’t remember who started it but I know I have signed it, about giving Next (its a clothes, shoes and such) staff Boxing Day (26th December, still a bank holiday in UK) a day off rather then having a massive sale from 6am. 
To me the idea after the relaxing Christmas Day and then getting up at stupid o’clock to shop seems rather ridiculous! So if the customers are through the door at 6am means the staff where are at what 4am. How much stuff do we need?! 
I do like the idea of a sale and a bargain, who doesn’t!  
But from last year I am trying to educate my self and think before I buy.... I am a big fan of Fashion Revolution, who are fighting for better transparency where our clothes come from. 

Like my running trainees were the most expensive thing I purchased last year, they are made in Vietnam. 

Are the workers who made them were paid fairly? Were their working conditions good and safe? We’re they treated nicely by their employers?

Another argument, which my husband pointed out, if not for clothing manufacturers will these people have a job at all? 

So in this year I am hoping to buy less and not to buy new things. After all the most sustainable clothes are already in my wardrobe.  
But I will buy new pants. Because you know ... a bit gross! Actually I did buy two pairs just another day and these:

 lovely organic cotton pillow cases for Christmas next year reduced to £2 from £7.99 each. 
I am hoping this is my only purchase of new things. 

But I need to be realistic, it is hard to find boys clothes and men’s clothes second hand. Well boys are super active this age, everything is either stained, ripped or both. And men I don’t think are prone to donate as much as women. I read somewhere that recycling seems not very masculine to some men... silly! 

So anyway that’s what I think and what I want to do for 2020. Will you join me? 


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