Jelly legs
So you know my last post about Red January... This is literally three faces of running... no willing, determination and well just doing it ( actually it was after my run on the cool down walk) This is hard. I keep on going... And if you ask my hubby I winged and complain. Most of it is for his benefit but yesterday I was in pain and in no fit state! Actually I went for a class with my favourite gym instructor Matthew. He is always there to guide and have a laugh with, he is great coz I have noticed that not all instructors will take time and correct the form, posture or advice. And his music choice is good! So as usual I did get enthusiastic and I was paired up with boys... the only boys in the class. I showed them! And then I couldn’t move much the next day. So husband says go for a run, do 3km... I did 4. The next day was a longer run with husband after the school run. Oh little one loved us both taking him to school, he kept on smiling and playing catch the dada.......