
I don’t think life is about balance. I mean it is my go to joke with customers about having wine and dessert. Yes I tell bad jokes, sue me! People love me. 

Life well is just life. And it’s all diffident no size fits all... 

So let’s play a game! Find this child 

I am not good at den building. But I’m good as ensuing people, and fur babies, who depend on me are all covered. Husband can have pasta for dinner again and I will eat maybe some cheese, but kid will have what he likes, maybe sushi rice with grilled chicken and black olives, cat will have the food she likes and bunny will be let out once a day to hop around... (don’t worry husband I’m planning to make pork ragu on Tuesday) 

I might look like a hot mess but I tend to have plan. I had a bit of a meh moments this week. 

I went to work meeting in a diffident city, how exciting but it made me all stressed and feel a bit shit. Work haven’t been busy, just you know work. I haven’t been as active and I hoped and this rain brings me down.... 
but you know.... we just had a good dance in the kitchen and I now have a plan! 

I suppose if I cannot change the situation I will change my attitude. 

So next week I want to put more stuff on Etsy shop, Get rid of junk that clutters the house, including some books and dvds and old furniture, use more makaton with wee man and well try to be more positive. I also need to food shop, clean and well be fabulous! And he t a little girl a present for her birthday. 

And I want to read more. I always want to read more! 

These two books are on my current reading list. 

This post originally was like a moan that I can do this and that. But I just need to well be ok with what I do and achieve. Like no one can fix my life for me and well I just have to make the best of it. And there is no point to moan everyone can moan. 

Also on my to do list I have a nap planned for tomorrow. I’m looking forward to that! 


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