And once more with ....

Feeling? Guilt? Promise... 

I just saw that didn’t blog all summer holidays, or you there about. 

Summer is about juggling, more juggling than usual. 
It’s hard when your field of work is shift patterns and so is your partners. So when one of us at work another with Egg, and vice versa. Literary no alone time, I miss that.

And Egg and I were in Russia for 3 weeks! 

It was nice to see most of the family. It was nice not to stress about work, not that I stress much but still the pressure to perform is there. And it’s nice to cook for my mother, she eats everything and praises me every time. 

So few things have happened. 

My less waste journey been a bit stressful due sidelong haveing rashes and allergic reactions. So I’m back to use regular shampoos and deodorants.

I have decided to cut down on drinking and inpove my overall fitness and health. And save money, there is an app for it. Did you know?

I also want to sort this mess, the blog, out.

And in the beginning of summer we have been given an office diagnosis for Egg... so I am currently reading The Reason I jump. Among other less necessary books and audiobooks.

And we are preparing for the 1st race of autumn, Cardiff 10k! 

So as you can see a lot of thing happened, and are planned, I will have more things to talk about!  And hopefully more regularly! 


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