Waste conscious

I while back I posted about marking small changes to go zero waste, or be more conscious of my waste and use less plastic. Basically to be greener. 
And it is more or less routine now so I forgot all about progress post... 
But this weekend we were at the birthday party. When I contacted the mum about the present for a child, she said oh please smth little and if possible from charity shop, because they are trying to be “conscious of their waste”. When I read that I smiled and little me in my mind did a little dance and cheered! 
And it was great all the regular paper plates and single use cups were reusable plastic ones, same as the ones I have at home. A gift to take home was a book to chose and a reused jam jar with cake mix

How delightful right! 
So all this loveliness made me think about the changes I have made in my own life and how is worked out so far. 
Reusable make up pads are going strong. It’s now not even a novelty, however I have a bit of an issue with nail vanish... still using up the old cotton wool. But then again I barely paint my nails anyway. 
Still shop very little for new stuff, second hand is more fun too! Check out this excellent linen shirt I picked up a while back

I still use the same cotton bamboo buds, I had to order more. But currently looking into getting the “last swab” the reusable one for make up and well hygiene. 

I did get the moon cup! 
I didn’t think I would but I did. And you know it’s been about 6 months now and I find it great and easy to use, and even if it was pricey to get it it already saved me money on tampons and lots of single use plastic from the landfill! 

However, the reusable dish sponge is a bit funny and tricky. And doesn’t look great anymore. But I used cloths and rags which I wash after use and well use them again and again. 

I also ditched shampoo bars for a little while. They made my head all dry. So currently using bottlers shampoo and it’s in fully recyclable bottle. Thank you Garenier! 

Husband still thinks I am a bit mad, but we have also a green mission at work. And he managed to eliminated all the cling film from his kitchen. So that is pretty cool. 
I would love to have veg delivered to us again and maybe milk in glass bottles but we live on main road with no frond garden so that’s a no. 
And some things are not in my budget, but I reuse the pastry packets from Lidl every time we go, until they are beyond use. All of my bags have some stashed. 
So you know as it has been said before we don’t need few people doing zero waste perfectly we need more people doing it imperfectly! 


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