Funny women

I was very much looking forward to this week, this week I had shows to see. 
Guilty feminist tickets were my birthday present last year! And hubby did good

Look how close we were! 
We sang, we “orgasmed” (you had to be there really) we also found out about local poet, and two amazing organisations for women. And we realised that Bristol feminists came out in force. And most of all we laughed so much! I think might have peed a little. 
Also I am regretting not going to see Grace Petrie when she was playing a tiny venue in Cardiff. But I shall not make that mistake again! 

Next day I went to see Scummy Mummies. These tickets I just had to get. I saw them last year with mother in law and it was very very good fun! 

But this year I took a mummy friend from school. And we agreed that faces were hurting from laughting so much. I loved the new material! And that song if Cbbies were for adults ... 
And extra bonus I discovered that Scummy mummies used my photo in their own instagram to talk about Cardiff gig. Super proud! 

And last but not least was Sofie Hagen. 
These tickets I got for Christmas from mother in law. 
Again great seats even if we were in front row. Got to say it is always a bit worrying sitting in the front st the comedy gig or being the only man at mama’s only comedy show. But it was great! Sofie was funny and as  insightful, her support act Amy Gledhill (hope I spelled the surname correctly) was hilarious! And I got Sofie’s book and even had it signed! 

This was a great week. 
Full of laughter and super positive emotions. I love
how it worked out one show after another. There was also Holly Macnish was performing her poetry but I couldn’t be in two places at once. Great week for comedy in Cardiff! And if 5 minutes of laughter prolonged the lifespan well I sure improved mine! 


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