It begins with absence and desire...
“It begins with blood and fear.
It begins with a discovery of witches”
Just in time for Halloween I guess and this time of the year when all the witches and ghouls are out and about the sky one (subscription tv service) launched the show called A Discovery Of Witches.
If you live in UK you must have seen posters or actual adverts of it.
I saw the little special and it looked good to me. I love me a good supernatural story and a good love story.
And if that above has Matthew Goode and Theresa Palmer at its head count me in. Besides I am always been a fan of supernatural series, I miss true blood dearly even if they went well a bit bananas in some seasons.
Two episodes in and I couldn’t wait to find out what will happen next will they be together will Diana’s power grow and what this Ashmole 782 all about!
After researching about the author, Deborah Harkness, since there is nothing worse than badly written source material, I dived into the world of creatures!
I am currently on book two. They are excellent! The author is basically of Diana’s academical background and so very brilliant!
Series are great in introducing all major players. And I love the cast diversity and brilliance! And that it is mainly a story told by women and these females are super badass. Even if we don't know about them as much as you would from the book.
I do have a feeling that the series have been rushed somewhat, maybe it should be 14 or even 20 episodes. Like I get they are magic creatures but surly even with that physical healing of all the Diana's injuries should take longer.... and magic practice and maybe relationships between the species could have done with more details... but then again maybe I am being a bit pedantic. But the again books are written from Diana's view point and they did the very good job with the source material.
Besides it is always a touchy subject when the beloved book is being adapted for big or small screen.
I do have a feeling that the series have been rushed somewhat, maybe it should be 14 or even 20 episodes. Like I get they are magic creatures but surly even with that physical healing of all the Diana's injuries should take longer.... and magic practice and maybe relationships between the species could have done with more details... but then again maybe I am being a bit pedantic. But the again books are written from Diana's view point and they did the very good job with the source material.
Besides it is always a touchy subject when the beloved book is being adapted for big or small screen.
I know the show is yet to be renewed but I truly hope they will get second season, the book 2 is even more engaging!
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