Big week

This has been a very big week for us. 
Our little boy started going to school full day. And it’s been so stressful... for me. Everyone else seems to be just fine maybe a little tired! 

After we dropped him off I had a little cry outside the school. Because I am emotional like that and Edgar just turned 4 last month. 
Not that he isn’t ready for school. I feel very scared for him. He still not really taking... 
He is talking a bit more, made great progress over summer. He also now ok with other kids, which is a super great development! But still needs support, speech therapy, and he makes real progress!
He now has a one to one teaching assistant, and she is great!
And if we started the week with us taking him right into the classroom now he is happy to walk himself! 
So neither of us had a lay-in and lazy start to the day. This week has been full on. Work, school, meetings and appointments... and Egg even that school is super tiring he won’t sleep past 6am...
But the big boy seems to love the school. Second he puts on his school jumper he goes to fetch his coat and bag and very keen to leave the house. 
And we are over the moon that he enjoys it. 


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