Last week
All last week we were off school. New class new year well new germs and new bugs. I won’t go into detail about what it was about, it was ok and didn’t affect my tiny human much. But he really likes school and routine... And on Sunday he had an epic meltdown. Like refusing to go where I told him, running away from me screaming and throwing himself on the ground. Moments like this I want to die, it’s hard it’s is so hard. But these are usually moments. This lasted a bit longer then usual... and he twice almost run into the open road, there wasn’t much traffic but my heart did skip a bit as I was gragging him back to the pavement... My heart broke my kid wasn’t cooperating. I lost my temper when we eventually got home. I yelled and cried at him. He of course wasn’t sure. My hands shook. I felt like a failure. Even now writing this bring tears to my eyes. But then I remember... the makaton tutor was staying how everything with kids with speech dela...