
So last Sunday 10 June marked the centenary if women’s right to vote in UK. 
Ireland voted yes to repeal the 8th... 
It’s been few amazing weeks for women!

Emotions are running high... and frankly I didn’t cry while in the procession, even if it was so emotional and touching... but I balled my eyes today. Trigger was the silly series I watch and some sad stuff happened so I am crying about everything that has happened in few last weeks. 

I saw the processions advert in for a while but I wasn’t sure if I would be able to do it so I didn’t singed up... so like a 4-5 days before the event I realised that I am free and I so should do this. With my son. 

But he didn’t want to play to start with... so after a slow start and riding on my shoulders he walked most of the way in the sun with super fun processions. 
We saw some excellent banners ..

Heard some women sing beautifully. And girl guides chanting with all their might. You can see my bad videos of these on my instagram highlights, @verysmallfeet. We didn’t make it to the end but we were just a little bit too hot and tired and needed ice-cream...

At the start I felt a it silly since, well I never voted. I actually cannot in UK being Russian, but not voting in Russia well you know, the hassle and what it the point really... But as we were setting off for the march there was one of the oganisers with megaphone, telling us that we are here to celebrate history and be a part of history... and this thought made me all fuzzy inside and super proud to be there.

Now I feel very feminist. Very empowered and like I taught my almost 4 year old why votes for everyone is important for democracy to work. 
As for other feminist things, I am very much looking forward to Suffrageddon the musical when it will finally happen... And Debora Francis-White's book Guilty Feminist. Because I am feminist but... 


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