
Showing posts from June, 2018

Speaking Russian

Some one told me that apparently the Russians were taught how to smile for the football world cup.... but then when I met some of the higher management of the company I work for I was told I am the smiliest person they have met. I am currently a waitress... so you get the irony, Russians allegedly learning to smile not at their friends and family, but I have been hailed the smiliest person. And when I was in Switzerland, while my Russian friends were happy to hang with each other and have Russian food parties (which actually were pretty fun, I have never craved Russian food), I would wonder off to my Asian classmates or with Brits in the pub. So one my mates once told me that I was a different Russian.  When living abroad most people look for familiar language, food and such. I guess it’s a comfort thing. But, you know I am ok without it. I don’t have any Russian speaking friends, well yeah my doctor is from Russia but we don’t hang socially. And sometimes I don’t get my mothers jo...


So last Sunday 10 June marked the centenary if women’s right to vote in UK.  Ireland voted yes to repeal the 8th...  It’s been few amazing weeks for women! Emotions are running high... and frankly I didn’t cry while in the procession, even if it was so emotional and touching... but I balled my eyes today. Trigger was the silly series I watch and some sad stuff happened so I am crying about everything that has happened in few last weeks.  I saw the processions advert in for a while but I wasn’t sure if I would be able to do it so I didn’t singed up... so like a 4-5 days before the event I realised that I am free and I so should do this. With my son.  But he didn’t want to play to start with... so after a slow start and riding on my shoulders he walked most of the way in the sun with super fun processions.  We saw some excellent banners .. Heard some women sing beautifully. And girl guides chanting with all their might. You can see my...

Authentic self

I think I was listening to Guilty Feminist podcast when Deborah Francis-White said that her authentic self wants to sit on the sofa and eat cake all where, so she made her habitual self to crave practically yoga ... and so her habitual self became her authentic self... with me so far? And apparently for a habit to become the regural lifestyle and the way of life it should take 21 day...  So here we are, I am trying to be fitter and have healthier habits than just not sleeping, just working and vegging out in front of tv...  I also want to finally do Cardiff Half marathon and this would take some training...  Meet the tallest box in the gym. And I managed to jump onto it for about 5 minutes. And I didn’t fall down but I felt so powerful! I have been going to the gym for couple of month but not very frequently. But I am trying.  Same what that I am also trying to eat a bit more helathy, drink less booze and be just more organised and such. Don’...

Let’s go to the pictures

So this actually happened, I have cancelled my unlimited card. After not sure how many years this is fianally happened...  Well I wasn’t going as often as I would like to and some months I won’t go at all an others I will go every week few times... and the cinema tickets are much cheaper than than they used to. So I finally said thank you but no thank you.... But this doesn’t mean that I stopped going, no I just do other things too.  Like go to the gym, we go to cinema together and I don’t watch every film there is.  I since I said no to unlimited I saw only few films.  Avengers Infinity war, twice. Still am a bit shocked... And Deadpool 2.  Which I enjoyed and giggled at lot. Also I didn’t know that Josh Brolin is so hot! Now I know! Now I am planning a visit to see Solo, of course. But then I don’t really have any plans. I should really try to catch up on my ever growing list of films I haven’t seen and want to watch.  Oh and of ...