Not talking Wonder 2

If you are reading me or know me then you might know that Eggy boy isn’t talking yet. Here is a privious post about it.
And these are thing we feel and know about this... 
But now the ball is finally rolling and we finally got appointments and tests... and positive and yet not so positive people around. 
I just want to share this in case some one else is going through that and you tell you that you are not alone!

In December we finally saw the paediatrician who listened gave positive feed back and got us to do blood tests... and kindly chased up the speech therapy appointment. Even if the therapist said that we are “top of the waiting list” the coincidence is well ... there is no such thing... 
The blood tests were really horrid to do. I do not believe we have a medical issue, but it would be eliminated or not. But at least there will be a definite answer. Do you remember last time you had your blood taken from the vein? Did it hurt? Were you annoyed and possibly upset? Well imagine how 3 year old would feel... he cried and yelled and well tensed so much that the blood stopped flowing, so we had to do another arm... 
While the nurse was preparing the bits and bobs Egg was screaming on the floor. Then the unspeakable happened. The other nurse walked in and asked “What’s wrong with him then?”... I wanted to murder that cow. She had to right or a place to say anything apart from “poor baby”’... I do hope Karma will have her...
But the speech therapist is lovely and Egg responds well to her. We are concentrating on eye contact and taking time ... he isn’t a fan. This way we defiantly know that he is listening. But we got some more words out, not repeated necessary but more words.
Sometimes I have these little twinges of pain when I see other parents with their little ones at preschool, that they have conversations and how excited kids are telling them what they did... I know that it will be fine. It all will be fine. Just need to have faith in a little man and patience... and think positive thoughts. 


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