
August and September were great! Egg slept well at night, not through but he would wake up at 6.45am or somewhere between that and 7.30am and once he even woke up at 8.45am. 
But then suddenly he became a hater or restful nights and lover of his super tired mama... we were up at 5am or 5.30 no later than that. Evil child! 

It was horrible horrible times! 
So I took to internet... 
There were two opinions among English writing parents, either go to bed earlier or go to bed later... 
The lady in our local shop who has 3 sons said that you just need to ignore them, they would put themselves back to sleep. 
Being a true believer in the child that goes to bed late wake up early, I have decided to ignore the cooing toddler by the gate of his room. That didn’t last. He is very persistent. So I thought well let’s try to go to bed about 7.30pm instead of 7pm. And it worked! Doesn’t work all the time but it works. I don’t feel as exhausted all the time as I used to. 
Now I am trying to break the milk and bottle habit. Parenting is a war zone really! I got these cute doggie cups from Ikea... and now he almost doesn’t have any milk before bed time. He really not fussed on these cups just yet. There is a lot of noises and grumpiness coming from his room after the bed time but he settles... 
Not sure how long this will last but I am optimistic. Like it took two days for Egg to fall asleep by himself so maybe couple of days more and I can ditch bottles and night milk all together... (yes I have tried before but after being ill for most of September and not eating milk became a great food substitute)

But all that said he work up at 5am today... and now we both are in need of a nap!


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