How much I love preschool

I loved how every weekday we got up and went to school. How well Edgar walks, how fast, how enthusiastic he is... and how I would leave him there for couple of hours and be just by my self. And then I get best cuddles! 

All is well... but on Saturday morning he spiked a fever and was really cuddly and sad. Not my usual happy bouncy boy. 

Calpol, milk and cuddles ... 
And then it lasted for 3 days! Took him to doctors, all is good just infection. So more calpol. 
And no school... 
Every time I think right tomorrow he would go to school, he starts coughing so bad that I realise he would scare everyone there. So he was off school all week long. 
And what a long week it was. 
On Monday we were meant to travel and stay over night in Bristol so see Bush. Last time we saw Bush it was 5 years ago... 
I couldn’t dump him on my mother in law same as I couldn’t tell husband not to go. I am not that kind of person. He had a great time, and he touched Gav. So he is well happy. 
But as little one was getting better he was becoming more bored and demanding. As some point he was actually boucing on my head... I wanted to go away somewhere and not come back. But then he cuddle me and gave me a big big smile! ... and suddenly I am ok to have more kids. Yes, he was so difficult that I was considering either never to have sex again or to tie my tubes up... 
And now I am sitting in a pub killing time until my next film. Quiet me time. It is nice. But I will miss the bath time.. and chasing him around his bedroom with a towel and I am a bit sad. 


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