How much I love preschool
I loved how every weekday we got up and went to school. How well Edgar walks, how fast, how enthusiastic he is... and how I would leave him there for couple of hours and be just by my self. And then I get best cuddles! All is well... but on Saturday morning he spiked a fever and was really cuddly and sad. Not my usual happy bouncy boy. Calpol, milk and cuddles ... And then it lasted for 3 days! Took him to doctors, all is good just infection. So more calpol. And no school... Every time I think right tomorrow he would go to school, he starts coughing so bad that I realise he would scare everyone there. So he was off school all week long. And what a long week it was. On Monday we were meant to travel and stay over night in Bristol so see Bush. Last time we saw Bush it was 5 years ago... I couldn’t dump him on my mother in law same as I couldn’t tell husband not to go. I am not that kind of person. He had a great time, and he touched Gav. So ...