And the internet goes mad

So new doctor who is Jodie Whittaker and the internet went mad... a woman doctor what?!

I enjoyed the new Doctor and the Christmas specials and all the fun and sometimes scary and unexpected twists and turns. And frankly I didn't think much about who is going to be a new doctor. Until I was listening to Scummy Mummies podcast and when Helen Thorn's daughter said wouldn't it be nice if next doctor would be a girl... like a little light bulb went off in my head, yeah really why can't it be a woman. 
 12th doctor was so much fun, thank you Peter Capaldi! And the new companion Pearl Mackie's character Bill was gay. Honestly the episode with Romans and discussion about sexuality made me chuckle and it was just so as a matter to fact! Also very sad to see her leave the show. I loved Bill...

The show is about kindness, bravery and love. Doctor is always trying to help everyone! 
But all this not only just a great show it also shows kids that it's all good qualities and being different is ok and even cool... 
So when doctor regenerates doctor can be anything. And even maybe with tentacles. Pretty sure one of the doctors actually says so after the regeneration. So why can't the doctor be a woman?!

Yes BBC did a big announcement of this. And it is a bit deal. It's an important show and for the 1st time in Dr Who history, 50 years, Doctor is a woman. I guess they also anticipated the reaction....
What annoys me is that some of these haters don't even watch the show... or supporters of the choice of actor say that they will actually watch the show. I say no your opinions are not valid here you don't watch it and probably never will.

It is most certainly NOT political correctness gone mad. The show needed a new actor the show got the new actor. And yes this might inspire bunch of young girls and tell them that they can be anything. Just like bunch of young girls growing up now and in the 80s thinking that having a female prime minister is totally normal (politics aside it is just representation).

If she can see it she can be it!

But what about the boys you say? Well from the beginning the Doctor was a remarkable number of wonderful male actors, wouldn't you agree?
Personally I am more sad about  Steven Moffat has left the show too... I truly loved the episodes that he did.... 
But it is going to be fun, new Doctor, new writers, new companion! 
Super exciting change is upon us can we just be happy and look forward to new season?


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