Coffee Break

So I fly alone today. Men folk are in the pool. 
I took my self for a coffee shop lunch. 


As I was browsing the sandwiches and what nots there is a Big Bang and tray on the floor with some coffee escaping everywhere. And one very embraced lady trying to give a quick tidy... 
so this got me thinking. Not only about the terrible staff that they didn't stop her and told her that's ok and to chill, but also why do we get so embarrassed and worked up about not being perfect.
What is perfect really? It is nice to strive for better and improvement, but why do we get so worked up. 
That lady told me it was her mumming instinct to tidy straight after... but why do we feel the need to make sure to be perfect and not be judged by others. 

So once again I just wish that everyone would be kinder and try not to judge each other. 
We all, well a majority of us, wants to be better than we are. But if and when we have these little failed moments wouldn't be just nice to be nice to ourselves? Think this would be a nice change in our mental state. 
Be nice to people around and yourself and go vote tomorrow! 


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