2017 bring it!

Oh the new year new me... well I have failed at few things I set off to do in the beginning of 2016.  
So to revisit, I didn't get a job, I didn't get fitter... but I have started a course to retrain and move away from hospitality industry. This is a very big step into the right direction. Now just stay motivated and get in with it. 
And Edgar went to nursery. Even if it is twice a week for half a day, he still goes and has grown and became a more socialble boy. He doesn't get as upset with me if say I hold a baby or isn't as shy when we meet other kids. 

(Here is little man playing with vintage fisher price garage that his dad and uncle used to play)

As for serenity and improved quality of our life... well we are still working on it. But we do more. We will go out and do stuff together. I rediscovered my love for things handmade. So I guess I am moving into a right direction on this point. Yay! So all and all 2016 wasn't too much of the failure in new me bs aspect. 
I had to think hard about what I want to achieve this year... I don't want to be too ambitions, just stiletto for smaller aims and such so my laziness won't get too much in a way. 

So here it goes:
Run a half marathon
Take more family pictures, with three of us together
Make more things, crafting, cooking and such
Finally sort out the spare bedroom
Read more 
Be a awesomest parent I can possibly be (hopefully he will finally talk and get on the potty this year)

Surly these things are easy achievable, right?! 
Well wish me luck and let's stay motivated together! We can do it!

And don't forget to follow me on instargam and twitter @verysmallfeet x


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