Wedding Ring

So my body changed and I put on weight. It's ok part of life I guess.

(sleep deprived selfie)

 But what I didn't realised, due to busy mumming life style, is that my wedding band and engagement rings were stuck... 
and not just stuck, but my finger even got bigger and was all swollen. And funny and sad thing I do not know how long ago this happened. Just too busy to look after myself. 
Like my entire family tried to remove it from me.. and nothing. Hubby tried but I was in so much pain that we had to stop. Did you know that where are tons of YouTube videos on how to remove the ring of the finger. The elastic method seems very good... don't wait to remove your rings how I did it. 
I went to see a jeweler to have it cut off in mother Russia. It's cheaper... I had the ring off and resized for about £10  how about this for value for money....
And again nothing it straight forward with me. The rings are stacked and only wedding band needed to be cut off. Koodos to that chap for doing amazing job and fashioning a little guard for my finger. But the down side was that it was from the metal so it got hot next to the tool he was using. It was the 1st one like this for him. Normally process would take like 5mins took about 15 mins we had to stop so I won't get a serious burn. I still got the burn but it wasn't anything major or that I cared much. 
My finger remained swollen for about a month after and with some body oil I finally removed the engagement ring off. It took another 3 weeks for me to be able to put one of the rings on... Still waiting to go back to normal to put engagement  ring on. 
It feels super strange being without both of my rings... 

And I thought of... and actually been thinking for a while since I do not look after my self enough. Like before I became a mother I would have noticed that my rings don't spin on my finger and that it swelled up. 
I keep coming seeing this phrase in many mums' Instagram "You can't pour out of an empty cup. Take care of yourself first" 

 For me Egg is my priority. I guess for all, well majority, of parents this statement is true. Kids come first... 
So I am trying to have more me time. Even if it is just having a snooze on the sofa while he is sleeping in the pram and make sure if I need me quiet time I try to get it. Like now I am actually writing this in a coffee shop while listening to music which I haven't done in ages. Have to force my self not to dance and sing along... 


  1. I have to admit I giggled a little while reading this post, because honestly this happened to me, too. I had to have my ring cut off and then resized to fit. It was mortifying at the time, but I wasn't looking after myself properly. I do think we all need to take time to look after ourselves.

    1. Hi thank you for taking time and leaving me a comment! ... I am glad I am not the only one 😊


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