Makers will make... but not very often
I used to love making stuff. When I was in school back in Russia we all made "friendship bracelets" all the girls had them. Sometimes up to an elbow. Mainly from beads but also once I have learnt my basic macrame knots I taught all the girls around me. Oh and you wear them till they broke. Yeah not very hygienic ... eek. My hobby was indulged by parents and relatives who were giving me books, taking me to haberdashery to stock up on beads. Mind you it wasn't as well developed as now, coming across clasps, earring hooks was impossible, but we recycled old granny's stuff and reuse everything. Thinking of it my mother might still have most of my beads and books in the flat. I also made clothes, mainly skirts, since they were easy, I customized existing outfits. There was a talk in school to ban me from wearing certain things but that never came to be. All this cam from wanting to be unlike everyone else. I still would hate if I see some one wearing same thing as I ...