Buddy Box

As you know I love a subscription box. It's like a present or a unexpected surprise every month, even if I know it is coming you never know what would be in it or when it will actually make an appearance.
I was very sad to cancel the My Little Box, it is truly great, but I have bits of cosmetics and little other delights coming out of my ears, so we thought we try some stuff out... 
First of my list, just for me, was a "hug in the box" Buddy box

It is a very nice concept. Little things to make you happy and fuzzy inside and promote mindfulness. 

(oh I totally love this "rooting for you" pin, it's on my winter coat)

And you know in a way it made me very happy and fuzzy inside. I do not have a depression but I have the down days ... that I can't really express since I have a tiny human depending on me so I carry on no matter how much I just want to stay in bed. 
After getting this box in September I started drinking more tea... I think it is due to a little nudge I got from them. However I am not a fan of tea in the little bags... Like my tea loose. Soap was nice too. Shame it was unscented. But I can see the reasons behind this. And I did get really excited about the plant kit... But I am yet to plant it.
So I would recommend to get it if you are into this kind of thing. They actually doing a lite version too which is cheaper and has only 3 products in it and they make it easy just to order one. Just one. And super easy to order it for a friend. 
But they couldn't fit the September box into the box. Funny that. 


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