Cinema gower me

In few weeks I caught up with some of the biggest films this summer. 
Star Track Beyond
Suicide Squad (twice)

I never read any Dahl. I am Russian we didn't read this growing up. I have no fuzzy feelings for the book and didn't know what it was about. But it was lovely. Funny moments funny, sad moments sad.

 You know just what you want it to be. Special effects were truly something else, the giant land was awesome! 
In the screen was a big groups of young ladies and relatives... So they needed the loo break and run right to the screen for the exit and then they climbed the sits to get to the exit. It was really funny and I truly didn't mind the code of conduct being broken with little cuties like little monkeys. Think a lot of people in audience thought the same, since we all giggles at them. 
Then I saw the reboot of Ghostbasters. Coz I love in a happy bubble I haven't hear about any of misogynistic trolling this film got. Makes you wonder what is, don't think it should make any difference who are the main leads are in the film.

Besides it is not many films made with female cast. I got to say I have enjoyed i. Funny bits were funny, scary bits were scary and the characters were top notch! Even their silly receptionist was funny and I didn't think he was well showing silly men folk I a bad way.

Then me and hubby went to see Star Track. It was great! Interesting plot, great action and the usual sci-fi awesomeness. But I was sad about Anton... It was very touching to see the dedication to Leonard Nemoy and Anton. 
Then it was Suicide Squad. We went in the morning while little one was in nursery. For a 9am showing it was actually busy.

I enjoyed it. It was fun and entertaining with some excellent acting. Yeah it was an origin story and bit too much back stories but it was good. Maybe not Cara Delevingne dancing thing but otherwise it was good fun. 
I do believe if you find yourself entertained for few hours film was a success! 
Yay to cinema. Oh the reason I saw it twice it that I was worried about the time, and one scene didn't make me believe I guess. But upon reviewing it again I still find it a bit flat... But it's just one moment, I can't quiet express it. It just didn't feel right... 
Oh and my new favourite female characters is definitely Harley Quinn!! 


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