It's just hard

Get your minds out of the gutter! 

Mumming..... Who knew it is hard to deal with super active toddler. Did you know that aged between 12-24 months or so they have tantrums!... 
And it is normal... 

It is very hard to deal with. The big man cannot quiet express himself ... So he screams and screams and some time throws stuff. More often when I pick him up to soothe hit flaps is arms around and I get slapped a lot... Or he bangs his head on the floor as a protest. 
And this is normal. Who knew?! 
Toddlers cannot quiet say or express what they hey want or need so tanties are happening.
My Facebook mamas said that it will pass and I just need to relax and not to worry. That it is only a stage... 
Basically motherhood is kicking my butt at the moment it's not fun... 
We are also started using reusable nappies with hope that big man will realise when he needs to go and will be willing to sit in the potty.. But so far he is still sits in it like a chicken: feel in the bowl and squats down as if keeping his eggs safe... 
Potty training is another thing that bugs me... 
And the usual sleeping issues. He doesn't sleep throw the night. And he wakes up a lot. And sleeps with us. And wakes up early... 
So there we have it mumming is driving me banana... And sometimes I feel like a failure... 
But some times, he would just come up to me and give and a kiss and then I think I am doing a pretty good job!


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