Cardiff 10k

One of many things I was looking forward when we were moving back to Cardiff is the tons of races I could do. So back in January I have singed us both for Cardiff 10K that usually takes place around the 1st weekend of September. Yes I am that mad! 
Baby was looked after by Owen who was also the watering station for Steve. Never seen anyone drink that much while running the man is like a .... well camel when they do store water in their humps, it is like there will be no liquid ever again.... Funny. But I guess we are different.

This was my 3rd Cardiff 10K. 1st one I felt like I am going to die and 2nd one was good. Well this one was just great. However there was a lot of people running... Like a million! and the finishing like surface was... well so freaking lumpy it was hurting my feet. But over all I had a great race day!

We both were really pleased about extra special medals they made for 30th anniversary of the race. So cool! Edgar really liked these. Was running around with them... almost hitting him self in the head with, that it why he was releaved of these wonderful shiny objects. 

So as I said my race was good... finished in respectable 1hour and 46 seconds. Hubby however swore at the finish and did not have a good race. Well he was annoyed at the road, the route and the heat. 

And then I did another race the weekend after that... Stay tuned! 


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