So we have been on vaccay!

I think it has been about two years since I have been home in Chelyabinsk. Oh that's would be south of Ural mountains in Russia. I missed my family dearly.... I was looking forward to this and was anxious about this break too. But it was wonderful after all!
Firstly the travel with 10 month old is tricky. But he charmed everyone and been entertain by the entire plane on the way from London. We also discovered that paper cups make excellent tethers! Yes, who would have thought!
Weather was excellent, hot for me and Edgar and cool for our daddy. He and Gramy arrived 3 weeks after for one week. 
We spend a lot of time with family and friends and Edgar has been centre of attention! And very spoilt... 
I actually got to hang out with my cousin,  we left babies with grandparents and run away for a day! 

It was nice, we be been to the cinema (doubt films are something else) but I did enjoy my self. Who knew that it is ok to have beer in the cinema at quarter to midday....
I also tired out the Crossfit. That would be my very old friend's new thing so I have tagged along. It was fun and so nice to spend time with Misha and to see what a wonderful young man he has become. 
I am now looking for a crossfit place here in Cardiff....

 Edgar have played with his cousins too. See how excited he got being around other kids made me realise that not only mother need other mothers but also kiddies need other kiddies. 
 All and all we had great time. It is shame that with all the driving from the village where my parents live now to town was so hard and we didn't get to see some of our other friends.... But sure thing we will come to see them next time we are around.


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