Stephen's happy place

I came home from work one day, it was just gone 11pm to find my other half still pottering around in the garden! Madness right?

I work out to unwind, gosh how I miss running! and Steve he gardens. 

Our current garden is more manageable and has more sun, which is amazing for me, since I adore the sun and the warms but not so great for his pale Welsh complexion. We have some sun screen stashed in the shed!:)

From the garden to the stove... In his awesome garden hat:)
He works tirelessly on his garden, yeah, it's his garden.... We have flowers, some grown from bulbs, "shake'n'rake" boxes and some ready bought. I couldn't really help out  much since every time I crouch down to dig or plant I would be tilting forward since my belly is so big now.

We also have a veg patch... 

I never grew anything before neither did he, so it is more and more impressive that we have tons of veggies sprouting. He even put up a cold frame, green house essentially. And we already had some homegrown radishes. By the way if you decide to grow these delicious root veggies, beware that they grow quickly and like weeds:)

Also the pride and joy of every men with a loan mower is .... drum roll... the lawn! It is not finished yet, but I'm finally allowed to walk on it.... However I just want to roll around in it, bump is in a way. Apparently the patches need to be seeded and the rest of the lawn need to be fixed. Not to be a pessimist or anything, but I do not think we will have this lawn finished before the baby comes:) Or hint hint get it going, Steve!!


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