Training.. Sticking With It & Staying Motivated.

Last two weeks I only worked, slept, eat and went to the gym and back... it was good. Hard. And a lot of timing. I was waking up at certain time and leaving the house at the certain time. 
The sun was shining, and it was fairly easy to do... 
This week not so much. It suddenly got cold. And windy... and I started to feel all this hard work at actual work is tiring me out and all I want to do is drink red wine, eat cheese watch films and read books....
 I had few days of rest... Today I woke up with slightly runny nose. 
I was not going anywhere. So while in bed I checked my emails, social web sites and came across this video... 

And then I got up laced up my trainers and went for a short run. Better then nothing right! 4.80K in 17 min I think it is really not bad. 
It is super hard to stay motivated, especially if I know in few days we will be heading on holidays!
But you got to find something. Turns out to me it is other people. Like this video. Yes it is all excused and I should run because I can and I must. If I won't I will fail my sporting goals this year. 
It is also about keeping it interesting. I do alter my route slightly and notice small things on my run.. like this beautiful view

Today I got to play with dutch hound pup who found my shoes really interesting. I did stop to rub his belly... 
Little Scottie dog wanted to play too but his owner was not up for it:) and I also saw bunch on mischievous squirrels hiding nuts. At least I hope these were nuts... 

Stay motivated!!  


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