
Two weeks was a lot of time on one hand but so not enough on the other. 

This amazing cat went into the forest with us to pick some mushrooms... She didn't find any but was fun to walk with...

That evening been spent looking at cool stuff, like DIY furniture, amazing wall decor, arts, crafts and talking about all kind of shit. I also got a cool copper bell as a present

Strange to think of myself as adult but when you stand next to someone you remember being so small... and much younger you realise time really has passed.... 

Another Russian extreme... pickling for winter... Lots and lots of cucumbers. Btw they all think that pickled egg is travesty!  

Two Darias reunited with a bottle of bubbly, like it always was... Even if we are miles apart and one has 2 wonderful little boys.

Wine fueled evening with magical view on the city. Honey, look after your arm! Shame we do not have a picture together with your awesome beard! Yes men with beards are more fun to spend time with. Whats why I married one

Always my best friend! and yes I know I was not supposed to put this picture online

Family flight back  Moscow. I went to London after they went to see my beautiful third cousin to marry a lovely man. Katerina, congratulations! 

I also spend some quality time with my cousin and his new wife, my step sister and met her fiancee, also met my parents new neighbors in the village, spent time drawing princesses for my cousin's little girl and tasted my aunt's crazy but yammy cherry vodka, while my cool uncle was trying to feed me more apples. Also talked rubbish with my grandparents and spent a lot of quality mother daughter time. 
However 2 weeks seems a lot but the time truly flew by and I did not get to see the hottest blond in town and my very good friend Anna

You and me next time are going to get to so much shenanigans...

Well I already miss everyone! Lots of love


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