making most of it

I do not work as much as I should only about 15-19 hours a week so it leaves me with a lot of time to my self.

So what do it do with all this free time... I have learnt how to plant stuff and I spend a lot of time with pets. Daisy really loves it in the big house to run around but hates the slippery floors. It is very amusing to watch her slide across it. She sure loves the garden. She actually dug some holes there and did a roll once, she never rolled around before, don't think bunnies are designed that way.

But mainly I go to the gym and cinema... Gym is a must with race being very tough one and very very soon this September I need to push myself a bit more. I am mainly doing classes actually, what is a new thing to me but it seems to be working really well for me!

Cinema... Oh cinema!! I just came back actually from seeing The East and I saw Man Of Steel. Two very different films but equally amazing. 
Man of Steel is a massive budget blockbuster .... with not enough topless shots.

I blogged already about Man of Steel 

With a very fit leading man... and The East... well it's a whole different story! 

I though it was great! Very indi feel about it, I suppose film about eco terrorism can only be indi. 
I am on the hunt to feel my free time with work, but at the moment I will be making most of it... Or at least trying. 


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