It is One Week
It is one week until the longest flight ever... and the most amazing holiday. Back Home... Back to Mother Russia! I actually cannot wait. It has been two years... Two very long years! Don't get me wrong, I love my life here, I did meet the most amazing people and most amazing things. I moved 3 times in last 2 years... and it was stressful. Last time I went home I run away from my hubby's injury and being on a lot of painkillers, so many that I had to wake up twice a night to make sure he took his meds and were not in pain. But anywho... I'm looking forwards to spend time with family. To be pampered and not to think about anything. I just switch off. I guess in the way it is an amazing luxury, when you can just switch off and think about other things. I rarely worry about my peeps in Chelyabinks (yeap, that it's one complicated name for a hometown) well apart from that space attack in February. Some fun facts about my hometown. I'm from South of the U...