Birmingham, it is so nice to meet you!

I walked to city center... I found many amazing things such as:

-It only take 45min walk to town from our home
-Cineworld and PureGym are in the same building
-People are very nice and have cute accent, sounds like a winy song
-These beautiful things....

the canal!! Love the organised water feature!

This awesome building will be opening in Septermer to house B'ham library! How cool?

Half of an Angel of the North? I do not know but it is just super cool art!

Beautiful fountain on Victoria's Square

Now this is a ceiling in massive Waterstones... you know how I love the book shops

And this is on the door of Watersones on New Street.

In last few days I have rejoined the "real" aka my world, I'm again a memeber of the Pure Gym and Cineworld Unlimited card! Woooo!!
Went to do two classes in the gym of Thursday today it is Sunday and my legs are still hurting. Will have a rock hard butt!!

Have an amazing day! 


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