well sun is out and I have been running...

After my horrible cold I started feeling like I have been putting fat on... Perhaps comfort eating has something to do with it. My love for garlic bread must die, or we should meet each other less frequently...
So I have decided to pay more attention to my body, eat less bad foods, more fruit and veg and drink a bit less wine! As much as I love my fermented grape juice, or fermented apple juice (cider) and a lovely juniper infused spirit... ... Sad!

My friend Sarah singed up for Race for Life this year, with my encouragement... but in the end I cannot actually participate in that one (soon to be reviled why). So yeah she never really run before, so we went for a run...
Here is Sarah's page to sponsor!

It was so much fun. I truly believe that this girl can go for miles!

So in last three days she probably run 10K give or take... that puts me to shame. I overdid it a bit in the gym and was a bit sore.. you know that feeling when you want to drink tea and not do anything. So when Sarah texted saying she just run 2.24K I was already putting my kit on...

I also find new inspiration for staying fit and on top of everything!

This super woman Kym-nonstop!

But there is always the fab Jillian and Bob

Must keep going... do not want to be flabby want to be fit again and get some rock hard muscles!

Also running is a great way to enjoy the sunshine we been having over here in Bath!


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