things I love at this moment...

I know some might think its all hippy shit... well I know husband will. But I'm a real Sagittarius!.... I'm ever changing... also it's hard to be a December baby... FIY my cake day is this Sunday (16th December)..

At the moment I love Bush in my headphones....

I think I really started to enjoy bush since seeing them live in Mancherster in Academy.. when I was blown away...

Ripped over sized clothes with Dr. Martins on my very small feet... (only certain models fit and I don't fall out of them)

Dark and sad films....

Dark like Flat-liners

and sad like Painted Veil...

I think I just need an occasion  to cry... it releasing the tension! One must have a reason to a sad film.... otherwise it' not fun!

.... and I'm hoping to have a fantastic birthday celebrations... nothing fancy,just food, drinks, board games and people that matter! 
and Moonrise Kingdom DVD :) hint people!!


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