Things I Saw On My Run

Races are always special! 

Things you see are so inspiring and fun. After all these runners are as crazy as me!
Here is what I saw:

...3000 me included doing Usain Bolt's lighting...
....a man running next to his partner to hi-five her while she was running...
....a man running with the the beginning he almost crushed it into a wall...Hubby said that he finished in under 40min and the baby was sleeping!
....a toy story... I bet the guy who was dressed as Buzz was so hot! Apparently there was also a gorilla runner, who finished way before me!
... and I also saw 3-4 men with no tops on...

Today is day two after the race... My abs are sore, my legs are hurting and the back is also not in the best shape. And now I'm off to the gym!


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