Things... Strange (unusual) things...

I had a day off and I went for a wonder around my local charity shops, popped into fruit and veg place for some supplies... But things I came across were just... well I haven't seen anything like this....

So here it comes... Strange things and some of them are very cool:

Some one put a sticker of the pink cat on the sing... It was very high up, not only for 5ft self but for normal hight humans too... I wonder how did the do this?! And where can I find some of these stickers??

Strange coloured Mini... It was just there changing colour like petrol stain... Would this be petrol colour? Very cool and unusual!

I was walking I think from work... looked to the side. And there she was just chilling... After I took the picture this duck looked at me in a "what are you looking at?!" kind of way.... 

Really? A record... of Bruce Willis? What?! I was very tempted to get it... but then again I don't have a record player...

I don't know who put this cute soft thing behind the bag but I couldn't stop laughing....


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