Oh 2020
I guess today being 1st of January it seems appropriate to reflect on the year that passed. It was definitely unique, with its extra stress and worries, thank you history for repeating yourself with pandemic but not influenza but much scarier covid. Well thinking of it I m sure the 1920 pandemic was just as scary. We finally spend time together. And a lot of time and sometimes it was hard. But I actually really enjoyed that. And turns out walking is nice gentle exercise for mind and the legs and does wonders for wee man! I rediscovered my love for sewing and that I definitely hurry the process and well not very attentive to details. Actually looking forward to expand on that and making more things for the house and for myself, and well more face coverings. I also finally started to read again and not just children books!! I made a little list. I reassessed my drinking habit and well my general well being. Turns out pregnancy impacts very differently o...