Sewing bee bug...
Is bee even a bug? Oh no I already in the rumble... When tv was showing great pottery throw down I was happily attending pottery classes in my local indi coffee shop, last session had to be postponed due to the obvious reasons... and well then summer was mark by amazing season of sewing bee. Oh I love me some Great British Sewing Bee! So I thought well I have time... so I dusted off my sewing machine and well started. Made some sleeping masks. Actually I had to redo them since they turned out too chunky... then I made a pinafore from the old bed sheet. Like a test run. I haven’t been making stuff from the actual pattern in well over 15 years (well not since I was a teenager). I got the bug. I am planning a Christmas themed quilt. I never made a quilt but I found a nice and simple tutorial on YouTube. I also signed up for some fab makers, sewers channels there. And now trying to learn how to sew with stretch fabrics. Plan is to turn some old hubby’s tees into son’...