
Showing posts from March, 2020

Unprecedented indeed

Unless you lived under the rock you know that 2020 is pretty much cancelled... some one sneezed, didn’t wash hands and didn’t think that handles are dirty. And well we have it. The world is on standby the world is social distancing and self isolating... that is a responsible thing to do. It’s scary and uncertain.  But it’s spring.  Nature is waking up and it’s beautiful.  It’s worrying that some of us are off work, kids are off school.... but this too shall pass, like everything else.  It is normal to worry and stress but how often you are in the house with either just yourself of the others? The  opportunity and endless and are only limited by tour of creativity.  And with internet there are so many positive things at your finger tips from cats videos and singing people in high rise Italian cites and news that water in Venice is so clear that the fish came back.  Stay strong, stay positive! I will be too... 


A while ago my friend and former work colleague said that she has been to a pottery class in my local coffee shop.  I though I never did ceramics I would love to have a go... I made a little house-tea light holder. It is wonky. And I really found it challenging. I had to only concentrate on task at hand, it required lost of procedures and well I didn’t enjoy it. So naturally I though I must do this again!  And sure enough this year the new course was announced and I’m stranding some of the classes.  Couple of weeks ago the theme was animals. And you know free building was more enjoyable. Or maybe it is because I leaned to be more in the moment and concentrate on just one thing, making this animal.  Yesterday we were making candles holders... it was a bit different story....  These three guys were made using different techniques and well it was super interring to learn how to and what are the differences. I found the building several from several pieces is harder...