
Showing posts from January, 2019

2019 (insert inspirational thing)

2018 was a busy year. I finally rejoined the work force, Egg started big school and we got a cat. Also marched in Processions, spend 3 weeks in Russia and one week in Portugal, and Egg is starting slowly to talk!  And this was the 1st Christmas that the big guy actually got into spirit and opened all his presents... But this post is about what I hope to achieve in a new year.  I want to use less single use plastic and buy more sustainably , like from small family run brands and shops, or second hand. I have already wrote about this new greener ambition of mine.  I want to read more. It was truly hit and miss last year. If I was into it I was like an addict reading and not doing anything, I don’t think that is the way.  I want to be more organised . This is more of a having a plan and everything to have its own place. I think it might take a while. Even Netflix showing Marie Kondo tidying up show and it is glorious! I have folded and sorted some of my clothes arealdy....