Trip to V&A
I had a London trip again last week this time to get visa for little one to go to Russia. So I thought must combine the business and pleasure ... and went to V&A. Originally I intended to see Firda Making herself up. But guess what it sold out! Until Agust! Unless you are member, which I am not. And well briefly considered it but I don’t go to London often enough. But after enquiring at the help desk and a wonder about the museum I went to see Fashioned from Nature. And it was great! Basically how humans used nature in fashion... and it’s not nice. Humans aren’t nice when it comes to making clothes. And upstairs were sustainable fashion... it made me happy and hopeful for the future. This lion cloth is embroidered and it’s fabulous! Hat from thorns! Yeap these things are actual dead birds.... as decorations... horrid! And of course there was a lot on Fashion revolution and who made my clothes movement. I’...