
Showing posts from December, 2015

New me bs

Well here we go I am doing this! I am making resolutions... No I am setting goals for new year. Goals are better then resolutions, more achievements rather and absolute pants!  Well I don't think I know anyone who actually managed to keep up with theirs. Neither have I! Well I only made these one year, it's in right of the beginning of this blog.  Taking my birthday meltdown into considered I think setting goals is more achievable than resolutions. And it doesn't sounds so dramatic! So I only hope to achieve few things in the new year.  I want to go back to work. Just so I can have some adult conversation and Egg man can spend time with children and other people.  I want to loose a bit of flab. Hate to admired by my mother by saying that I got fat is actually right. I am rather cuddly . I also want to get as fitter as I can be because in the end of the year I want to start growing a new life:) With regards of getting back into a real ...

I probably should stop lie

About my age. I have been saying that I am 23 or 25 for about 5 years now.  Truth is today I have turned 30.  (these beauties are from my boys) And it scares me! It's one of these scary milestones that you are not in your care free twenties and really should have achieved stuff in life... I think I just thought I will have more things to prove that I am adult.  I am married. Very serious thing to do. But we never are too serious.  We have this amazing toddler running a riot! Now that's a great thing to prove that you are an adult! But then again if I will be too serious I wouldn't be me at mumming!  We just bought a house. Now that an insanely grown-up thing to do but then again I wasn't really involved in the buying more in picking. Maybe I am over-thinking this... I won't be a stereotype they all expect form a 30 year olds...   It's my birthday today! Yay!! From becoming older I just hope to become better perso...

New home or why I hate moving in December

Second year in the row we moved in December. Worst time ever! I have complicated relationships with December. I always worked in hospitality so for everyone it is most wonderful time of the year for us it the busiest time of the year. It's mad! And by the end of that I really can't be bothered with all the Christmas thing and especially not the new year. I have seen too many drinks on that holidays. If it was in. Russia then yes please let's have New Year's party but here no no and no again. But for me December it is also my birthday. It is hard to get friends to come in due to Christmas parties for they are away so I would rather not celebrate sometimes. I know it is no one's fault but I do feel very needy and very alone when my peeps can't make it. But I understand! So last year we also moved from Brum back to Wales.... It all went terribly wrong with the rental so when I was supposed to plan holidays and enjoy my 4 month old looking at the Christmas l...

Double Standards...

I am glad my baby is a boy. It is easier for boys. I mean, no one will pay him less, or look at his chest when talking to him.... It is all about double standards. Man can get mad but if woman will get mad, she is nuts, emotional or hormonal. Or many other unpleasant labels.  So even if we are in the 21st century there is still place for gender inequality and sexism in general.  But then again it might be unfair on boys now... the girlies are being empowered all the time. Boys not so much...  And then I see this... I saw the billboard and something in the back of my mind bothered me.. I didn't know what it was at first. But then it hit me... Like with Marvel merchandise: no female characters on the poster.  I have been outraged about the Marvel and Disney merch already. I guess they never learn. I was just surprised by Sky Movies....  I do understand Black Widow and Scarlet Witch aren't the leads but neither is Hulk... Or Thor...  And then...

Body remembers

We are all in the know that when it comes to running and races I am a bit crazy... So here is my other crazy, not only I have barely trained before the Mo running race I also was flying with a toddler to middle of Russia...  I have actually participted at the very 1st Welsh Mo Run... It was so small. Like super small. About 300 people or even less. There was only the 10K event.It was nice. I thought I did get the PB at that point. I was just starting out running. But the result didn't reflect that. They actually recounted them after and I was super fast that time.  This year it was massive! So many people. Not like say Cardiff 10K, but so many people! And two distances, amazing! A mate of mine did the 5k and I haven't seen you Luka! It's been too long by the way and you haven't met the Egg man.  Actually this race was made possible by my amazing Mother in Law who was on the Egg watch. And took some of these awesome pictures. Check out these naked m...