Moisterise me!!!!

As you know everything has been changing... I actually have started to waddle. Me and my friend Marzena have decided that we either like ducks or penguins. Bring on the penguin outfits, they are slimming she said!! So if you see a penguin outfit get us a couple!! But what I actually wanted to write about if the stuff I have been using to keep these strech marks at bay and generally some of the awesome products I loved. I never wrote anything like this before, it's seems rather commercial but hey I love these things, why won't I tell you about them! I guess everyone is super concerned about the change your body goes throw when you are expecting. As you know I was freaking out and it was hard for me not to do things I normally would do. But I can proudly say that at 9 months of pregnancy I can still reach my toes and did not ask anyone to paint my toe nails! And to keep changed at bay, and not to have any stretch marks (so far, touch wood!!) I have been moisturis...